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3 ways to become a reselling rockstar

white label reseller program success

Whether you start your reseller business as a full-time gig or as a part-time way to create a second set of revenue, you will still need to plan for business success. This article will provide you with three steps you need to take to become a reseller rockstar.

Know the product like the back of your hand

know the product like the back of your hand

You can’t sell what you don’t know. When prospective customers sense your confidence, then they will most likely be confident in the product too. Discussing each service offering and how it benefits businesses of all sizes will show the prospective customer how this software is ahead of the game when it comes to shipment audit and parcel recovery.

Knowing your product isn’t enough though. Be sure to know the competition and be able to explain how this product stacks up. A demo is a great tool for better understanding the key features built-in, and where things are located in the dashboard.

Read more: Benefits of becoming a Share A Refund reseller

Know who you are selling to

Each customer type has unique needs and will require a tailored selling approach that makes sense to their business.

The small business customer type is spending less than $300k in shipping a year. Chances are no shipment auditing is being done and a certain amount of education will be necessary to get this customer on board. You can always suggest a 14-day free trial or trying the free Analysis auditing web tool to convert this customer.

The medium business customer type is spending $300k to $1M a year on shipping. If auditing and recovery is currently done in-house, then there’s a stakeholder with a job function related to this. It’s important to create buy-in with this individual. This person needs to see the value in what this software offers. A demo is a great way to show all the bells and whistles and get a conversation going where you can ask those important questions.

The large business customer type is $2M+ in annual spend. This customer type is typically already working with a third-party auditor. Technology and transparency are the competitive advantages you can mention here. Other auditors fail to provide proof of refunds. Share A Refund offers screenshots and a full audit trail for each tracking number where a refund was secured.

Know your selling strategy

Reseller selling strategy

Hosting an in-person meeting involves a different strategy than cold calling or email marketing. It’s important to be equipped to sell in any situation.

Getting on the agenda does give you the advantage. Having an in-person meeting is the preferable method for sales. When you are cold calling it’s pertinent to remember it takes ten touch points to make a sale. Most people give up after the second call, which will never get the results you need to succeed. Be pleasantly persistent, not pushy. Keep in mind that each step in sales gets you closer to your goal.

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