Detailed reporting service

Shipment auditing for all

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Reports engineered to save you money on shipping

Share A Refund’s detailed reporting service provides customers with online and exportable pdf documents that showcase shipping and auditing activities on FedEx® and UPS® accounts.

These reports:

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Reports with significance


Share A Refund’s detailed reporting service helps managers drive operational efficiency in small parcel shipping. The intention of this page is to detail the different types of reports available within Share A Refund, and suggest the application of each of these reports in lowering shipping costs.

Shipping activity reports

Shipment activity reports show the frequency of shipments and the amount spent on each service type over a historical period.

Reports included within shipping activity reports:

These reports are useful to better understand trends on shipping velocity and the costs by service type over time.

Late shipment reports

Late shipment reports show the number of late shipments over a historical period. Money back guarantee claims are filed for all shipments that are late automatically, thus late shipments and claims on late shipments are one in the same.

Reports included within shipping activity reports:

These reports are useful in identifying the number of late shipments. A metric that is useful in rate negotiation. Additionally, a list of the late packages helps customer service departments manage customer expectations on late packages proactively.

Refund credits reports

Refund credit reports showcase the confirmed credits secured back to shipping accounts by Share A Refund.

Reports included within refund credit reports:

These reports are useful in identifying the number of late shipments. A metric that is useful in rate negotiation. Additionally, a list of the late packages helps customer service departments manage customer expectations on late packages proactively.

Non-shipped shipments reports

Non-shipped shipment reports detail the unused shipping labels within a UPS® account. The shipments tracked and recorded include shipping labels older than 30 days, with a status of unshipped and unvoided.

Reports included within non-shipped shipments reports:

These reports are useful to see unused shipping labels and take action on those shipments to recoup the fees related to unused shipping labels.

Non-voided third-party shipping labels reports

Non-voided third-party shipping labels reports include unused shipping labels created by third-party shippers on a Share A Refund customer’s UPS® account. The shipments tracked and recorded include shipping labels older than 30 days, with a status of unshipped and unvoided.

Reports included within non-voided third-party shipping labels reports:

These reports are helping in managing third-party shippers. Exportable lists of unused shipping labels makes it easy to create invoices for unused shipping labels. Historical figures provides trend analysis, important for tracking improvement in operational efficiency.

Cost per pound reports

Cost per pound reports detail the charges associated with each service type over a historical period. Actual weight and dimension weight metrics are both detailed within.

Reports included within cost per pound reports:

This report is useful in carrier negotiation with FedEx® and UPS®.

Address correction reports

Address correction reports showcase the number of address correction charges over a historical timeline.

Reports included within address correction reports:

These reports help consolidate address correction charges across billing statements and organize the information in a way that allow invoices to be generated for incorrect addresses provided to your operation by your business partners.

Residential surcharges reports

Residential surcharges reports details the number of accessorial fees related to residential charges over a historical period. Share A Refund files refund claims for these charges automatically.

Reports included within the Residential surcharge reports:

These reports are useful in rate negotiation with FedEx® and UPS®.

Delivery methods

Share A Refund provides views online for each of the detailed reports listed above. Additionally, each report can be exported in pdf or csv document types, making it easy to further manipulate the data provided within.

Reporting timeline

All shipments processed by Share A Refund are included in the detailed reporting service. The start date of shipments analyzed and reported within is related to the registration date of a shipping account within Share A Refund. Longer periods of historical information can be imported and analyzed upon request.

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