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How automated lost and damage claims save everyone money, carriers included

Lost Damage UPS Shipments Recovery File Claim

You’ve just received a call from someone you shipped a valuable package to earlier in the week. The customer on the other end is undoubtedly upset as he describes the damaged contents that arrived on his doorstep. Now, you’ve got to figure out this damaged package problem, and quickly. Share A Refund automates the lost and damage claims process to save everyone money. Even carriers.

Streamlines customer service

When a shipment is lost or damaged Share A Refund sees the issue and takes action, automatically sending notifications, creating documents and filing claims with the carriers according to best practices and the requirements specific to your business. Filing a lost and damage claim is a multi-step process. Overlooking even a minute detail can derail the entire claim and ultimately delay compensation.  If the carrier determines the claim submission is incomplete, shippers can expect multiple laborious conversations over the phone and through email.  The constant back-and-forth battle for filing lost and damage claims requires an unreasonable amount of time when done manually. Share A Refund achieves claim recovery results quicker and is designed to handle even the most complex requirements.

Accurate billing

UPS automatically protects each domestic package and international shipment against loss or damage up to a value of $100 without a declaration of value. Let’s say your shipment is valued at $65. Some shipment auditing companies file a claim for the $100 amount in accordance with the legal limit of liability. This lazy approach to doing business is unethical and reflects poorly on those parcel auditing companies. Share A Refund files claims with precision and accuracy, guaranteeing all parties involved are treated fairly. Even carriers benefit from our automated lost and damage claim filing by knowing they are reimbursing the accurate amount, not the blanket $100 other shipment auditors claim.

 Saves money

Customers who use the Share A Refund claims management service, see time savings and an increase in the number of claims approved. The service ensures that claims are filed correctly and with the information required by the carrier to approve claims faster.  Faster approval means quicker payouts.

If you’re looking for a more intelligent way to automate the filing of lost and damage claims, increase success rates and accelerate payouts then check out Share A Refund’s lost and damage service.

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