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Why lost and damage claims just got better

loss damage claims ups fedex

Disappointment strikes any customer who opens a package only to find the valuable contents damaged. It can be an extremely distressing or frustrating experience when important products are lost or damaged. On average, UPS ships 16 million packages and documents a day across the nation. Inevitably, a shipment will fall through the cracks placing it into the lost category. Filing these claims individually can become a hassle as you jump through multiple hoops to obtain a refund. Share A Refund’s new lost and damage recovery feature will help remove the stress from filing these claims on your own.

Good news for logistics managers like Tina

Meet Tina. She’s a hard-working logistics manager. Part of her job requirement involves filing loss and damage claims. She tediously shuffles through multiple documents and complicated details to file claims. On average, Tina dedicates one 10-hour workday a week to identifying lost and damage claims, compiling required documents and submitting numerous claims. Imagine what Tina could accomplish for her core business by reallocating the 520 hours a year she spends on filing these claims? Instead, she’s stuck following the process of downloading the invoice in question, completing the claim, creating the credit memo and then submitting the claim for review. If the claim isn’t 100% correct when inspected by the carrier, more time must be carved out to understand the discrepancy and resolve the problem.

Share A Refund does the heavy lifting

Tina jumps at the chance to integrate Share A Refund into her company’s logistics process knowing she can leverage her skills to benefit the business in other areas. Share A Refund’s loss and damage claims management service immediately sheds light on just how much time Tina could have been saving all along. Tina is credited for making her company’s supply chain more efficient and implementing a technology that revolutionizes operations. The Share A Refund claims management service is designed to handle even the most complex requirements. For example, Tina ships high-value jewelry items and carriers require photos of damaged merchandise to be included on claims submitted. Share A Refund manages the hassles of filing lost and damage claims. The repetitive task of completing forms, downloading invoices and credit memos from ordering systems, and submitting the documents electronically for each shipment is done faster and more accurately by Share A Refund. The built-in capabilities support several carriers, insurance policies and the needs specific to businesses.

The process of loss and damage shipment repayment is not simple. Why waste your time and skills on something that can be handled with an automated service? Share A Refund loss and damage service is a no-risk, high-reward solution for companies wanting to add time back into their day while simultaneously recovering the dollars that belong to them.

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