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The best way to talk to your leadership team about Share A Refund

Customers who currently use Share A Refund will vouch for its power to save them time and money. Maybe you’ve seen the value of Share A Refund, but now must take the next step and explain to your team how it will benefit the company. Below you’ll find some tips on how, and what, to share to get your team on board.

Bank-level security built-in

To work with federal governmental agencies, Share A Refund had to undergo strict testing with defense contractors to ensure that the system could be implemented with those agencies. This is a required annual audit. It’s important to know that your data is protected by bank-level security, which is one of the reasons why some of the largest companies in the world work with us.

No games here

Automatic refunds are provided by the carriers at times. An example when refunds are provided by the carrier would be for improper services selected at the time of tendering a shipment. These refunds are credited without any action required by our team. The important point to mention is that no service fees are charged to you by Share A Refund in these instances.

You only pay a portion of the refund when actions are taken by Share A Refund. This is not the case for other auditors out there. They charge for automatic refunds and service fees in this way. They also charge service fees on the shipment cost price, not on the amount of the refunds. In contrast, Share A Refund verifies each refund down to the penny. Not a single cent is unaccounted for.

Share A Refund goes the extra mile

You’ll be working with the best audit and recovery team out there. We exhaust every means possible to get refunds approved. When an electronic dispute for a refund is declined – but expected – follow-up calls are made by internal team members to push those credits through. The calls are made by Share A Refund employees inside the Share A Refund system. Your shipping data NEVER leaves our servers unlike the processes of other auditors.

Verification of every single refund

No refund is too small for Share A Refund. We audit and file on any shipment that’s overcharged even if it’s by $0.23 for fuel. Customers can find a screenshot and invoice number where the refund was delivered. A full time-stamped audit trail of actions taken to secure a refund and a screenshot from the page inside your carrier account provide trust and transparency in our process. Every credit is reconciled and proof of the actions taken by Share A Refund to get any given credit is readily available.

Way more than just audit and recovery

Share A Refund is constantly adding additional services that will benefit our customers and continue to save them more time and money. The services offered extend beyond audit and recovery to lost and damage claim filing and carrier agreement optimization.

The lost and damage service can be enabled on your account to process lost and damage claims with UPS, FedEx, and DHL automatically. When a shipment is lost or damaged, Share A Refund sees the issue and takes action immediately by instantly sending notifications, creating documents and filing claims with the carriers according to the requirements specific to a customer’s business.

Carrier agreement optimization service can deliver big savings. This is where we see companies saving the most money on average. Share A Refund leverages valuable shipping data and shipment industry veterans to expertly negotiate UPS, FedEx and DHL contracts for the most successful rates. When the negotiated contract is implemented, weekly reports are delivered to you to share the noticeable savings received by optimizing your carrier agreement, ensure carriers are remaining compliant to defined rates and provide data to make real-time decisions.

Take it for a test drive

If your leadership team is hesitant to sign up for the service, Share A Refund offers demos, 15 and 30-day free trials and even Prospectus, a free parcel audit web tool. Prospectus shows businesses the potential refunds available on shipping invoices posted to their accounts. It bridges the gap between corporate policy and showcasing the value of Share A Refund as a strategic partner.

Remember, your company will collect more refunds with Share A Refund than anyone else could ever deliver. If you have any questions, give us a call today. A trusted member of the team would be happy to chat further.

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