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Are you claiming your UPS refunds for late shipments?

UPS late shipment money back guarantee

UPS’ sophisticated technology capabilities can track, down to the minute, when they deliver a package. If UPS gave you a guaranteed delivery time and delivered the shipment just one minute after the promised commitment, then you are eligible for a full refund or credit for the shipping charges.

How to receive refunds for UPS Money-Back Guarantee

How to receive refunds for UPS Money-Back Guarantee

Your shipment is officially late. Now, what do you do about it? UPS offers two options to find out if the free money-back guarantee applies to your shipment. One way is to go to ‘Calculate Delivery Time’ in either the Shipping or Resources section at and submit your shipping details, or you can reach out to your local UPS Customer Service.

According to UPS to qualify for a refund or credit due to a service failure, you must follow the listed conditions.

  • Shipping documentation must have been correctly completed and the package in question must bear the paper labels produced by UPS OnLine™ Shipping Solutions or otherwise in accordance with the “UPS Guide to labeling.”
  • Any other documentation required by the country of origin or destination or any country of transit must be fully and accurately completed and included with the package.
  • If applicable, the package must bear a Saturday delivery routing label (for destinations to which this service is available).
  • The shipment must have been tendered to UPS on or before the latest collection time specified by UPS for guaranteed delivery.
  • You must have notified your request for claim to UPS in writing or by telephone within 15 days from the date of scheduled delivery and advised us of the receiver’s name and address, date of shipment, package weight and the UPS tracking number;
  • The shipment must not require additional handling as described in the Additional Handling Charge section at
  • Instances when the UPS Service Guarantee doesn’t apply on a late shipment
  • There are some exclusions to be aware of when figuring out if your late shipment qualifies for the UPS money-back guarantee. The instances when the UPS Service Guarantee doesn’t apply on a late shipment include:
  • Shipments that are delayed due to causes beyond UPS’s control, including the unavailability or refusal of a person to accept Delivery of the Shipment; delays caused by the Consignee; acts of God; public authorities acting with actual or apparent authority on the premises; acts or omissions of customs or similar authorities; riots; circumstances arising before, during, or after a strike or other labour dispute; civil commotions; disruptions in the air or ground transportation network (such as weather phenomena); and natural disasters.
  • Shipments which include a Package or Packages subject to Additional Handling, the Large Package Surcharge or the Oversize Pallet Handling Surcharge.
  • Any Package or pallet exceeding Maximum Weight and Size Limits or containing articles listed as a Prohibited Article or any Dangerous Goods Shipment.
  • A UPS Import Control® Shipment if the Commercial Invoice Removal service option has been selected for the Shipment.
  • Shipments subject to a Delivery Change Request or a UPS My Choice® request.
  • UPS Standard® Shipments within Canada that are picked up or scheduled to be delivered on and between November 27 and December 3, and on and between December 11 and December 24.
  • UPS Standard Shipments to and from the United States that are picked up or scheduled to be delivered on and between November 27 and December 3, and on and between December 18 and December 24.

Beware of the fine print that states, “UPS may cancel, suspend or modify the UPS Service Guarantee, or change the guaranteed time in transit, for any or all services, and for any period of time, as determined by UPS in its sole discretion, and without prior notice.”

Conditions to receiving a UPS money-back guarantee

UPS doesn’t want to make receiving your owed refund easy. In the event that UPS fails to complete Delivery or attempt Delivery within the time commitment, UPS will either credit or refund the transportation charges for each package or pallet subject to the following conditions:

  • UPS’s guaranteed delivery schedule must state that the destination point qualifies for the service commitment from the origin point.
  • Each Package or pallet in the Shipment must be properly recorded in a UPS Shipping System.
  • Each Package or pallet in the Shipment must bear the appropriate UPS Smart label, UPS tracking label and address label, or combined label generated by a UPS Shipping System including From/To address details with the Consignee’s correct name, deliverable address, postal or Zip code, and telephone number. UPS cannot deliver to a P.O. Box.
  • UPS must receive timely Package Level Detail (PLD) Upload information at or before the time the Package or pallet is tendered to UPS.
  • The delivery address on any address label or combined label affixed to the Package or pallet must match the delivery address on the UPS Smart Label, barcode, and PLD for the Package or pallet.
  • For Saturday Delivery, a Saturday Delivery routing label must be attached to each Package or pallet in the Shipment.
  • For international Shipments, all applicable documentation required by the origin and/ or destination country must be complete and included with the Shipment.
  • The Shipment must be tendered to UPS during UPS’s published business hours.
  • UPS must be notified of a service failure in writing or by telephone within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of scheduled Delivery or by the date by which UPS has amended or corrected the actual Delivery in tracking detail or proof of Delivery, whichever is later, and be advised of the Consignee’s name and address, date of Shipment, Package or pallet weight, and the UPS Tracking Number.
  • Customs clearance must be performed by UPS or its designee.
  • For UPS Worldwide Express Freight Service Shipments, the guarantee shall apply to a
    Shipment in excess of 2,000 kilograms or 4,400 pounds only if the Shipper obtained confirmation of eligibility for the UPS Service Guarantee prior to tender of the Shipment to UPS for service.
  • UPS may, but is not required, to present the actual time of Delivery in tracking detail or proof of Delivery, and reserves the right to amend any delivery confirmation or the actual time of Delivery within forty-eight (48) hours of the date of Delivery.

Share A Refund files claims for UPS money-back guarantee

Who has time to worry about the various conditions? As a business owner, your time is valuable and can’t be wasted sifting through UPS invoices and hunting down refunds. Share A Refund takes the stress of shipment auditing off your plate with its comprehensive multipoint audit performed on individual packages. You get to focus on your serious matters for your business and leave parcel audit and recovery to Share A Refund.

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