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How to use display ads to your advantage


The reason display ads are an integral piece to the marketing strategy is that they build brand awareness quickly since most people remember what they see over what they read or hear and they can be geared strategically to a defined target audience with real-time analytics to confirm campaign success.  The Google Display Network reaches 90% of Internet users worldwide. No matter where your customers are in the world, your message will be right there with them. As a Share A Refund Merchant, a kit of display ads are distributed during the onboarding process to help you reach potential customers. Here’s the best way to get up and running building your brand and attracting new customers through display advertising.

Add Google tracking code

A Google tracking code will be generated for you. You can add to the code to the admin dashboard or send by email to

Create a Google AdWords account

So your first step is to create, or log into, your Google AdWords account and click on “campaigns.” Click on the “new campaign” button and then click on “display network only.” Give your campaign a name like “shipment auditing.”

Create an audience in Google AdWords

Select the location where you want to run your ad. Reach out to potential customers within a few miles of your business, or send your ad across the globe. Decide the area that will work best for your individual business goals.

Create the ad group in Google AdWords

It’s a best practice to keep your ad group tightly targeted. You might want to create an ad group targeting people searching for other shipment auditing services or you might want to make an ad group for “filing lost and damaged claims.” Your default bid is how much you want to spend for one click in the display networks. Don’t forget to add keywords to each ad group. Include keywords like filing lost and damaged claims, lost package, or damaged shipment.

Upload the display ad provided

Click “upload an ad” and then upload the created banner ads. The Share A Refund ads are created specifically for Google’s parameters and won’t work with other social websites.

Still having trouble? For free Google support, you can call 1-855-290-0346.

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