shipment void

Voiding UPS shipping labels service

Shipment auditing service

Shipment voiding is included within the audit and recovery service. One of several individual components checked on each shipment.

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Share A Refund voids unused shipping labels for you

UPS charges money for all shipping labels created, even the ones that go unused. Share A Refund finds the unused shipping labels and voids them, resulting in refund credits delivered back to your UPS account.
Think you don’t create unvoided shipping labels? Think again. Even the most efficient shipping operations leave money on the table by not voiding all unused shipping labels. Share A Refund improves any existing shipping operation with analysis and automated processes.
The voiding shipment service submits void claims to UPS on unused shipping labels for you.
The voiding shipment service tracks the refund credit related to each voided shipping label, and reports on the savings delivered.
The voiding shipment service ensures that no unnecessary costs go uncredited back to your UPS account for unused shipping labels.
shipment void

Unused shipping labels reclaimed

Share A Refund voids unneeded shipping labels billed to your UPS account automatically.

No more unnecessary fees


UPS charges money for all shipping labels created. Share A Refund tracks shipping labels created on your UPS account, and takes actions to reclaim fees associated with unused shipping labels with automated processes.
The voiding shipment service is provided on a performance-basis and enabled on UPS accounts automatically. There are no on-going or upfront fees, just a split refund credits delivered on unused shipping labels processed by Share A Refund.
Share A Refund saves companies money on shipping by voiding hard-to-find, unused shipping labels, and saves companies time by automatically processing claims with UPS and reporting on the savings delivered.

How it works

Shipping labels created on a UPS account are automatically tracked by Share A Refund’s manifest tracking service.
Shipping labels that remain unshipped and unvoided after 30 days are processed by the shipment voiding service. This service submits refund claims on unused shipping labels with UPS in the exact format required to get claims processed quickly and refund credits delivered faster. The intent of the service is to eliminate forgotten, extra or unused shipping labels, that are at risk of being billed to your UPS account.
It’s only when Share A Refund processes the void request on the 31st day, and a resulting refund is added to the UPS account in the form of a credit that’s applied to an invoice, that Share A Refund bills a service fee as a split of the savings secured. Share A Refund tracks the refund credits as they’re delivered back to the shipping account. These refund credits are delivered one of two ways:
The amount credited back to the UPS account for voided labels ranges between $10 and $50 depending on the properties of that shipment: weight of the box, dimensions of the box, ship from destination, ship to destination.
Once a credit is delivered, Share A Refund notes the amount credited and reports on the savings delivered.

The total of refund credits delivered from the voiding shipping labels service within a given billing period is used as the basis for calculating the shipment auditing service fee: 50% of all refund credits delivered due to the actions taken by Share A Refund. 

Types of shipping labels

The Share A Refund void shipment service submits claims on unused shipping labels generated by your shipping operation. Specifically, this applies to shipping labels generated with your account number, meter number and the bill to party type of P/P (i.e. payee). Said simply, if you create shipping labels on your UPS account, Share A Refund tracks and processes void claims for any unused shipping labels automatically.
Share A Refund handles the unused shipping labels created by third-parties on your shipping accounts using the third-party notification service. The limitation of not being able to process void claims for unneeded shipping labels created by third-party shippers that are billed to your UPS account is a limitation imposed on your account by UPS.

Void shipment reporting

Unused shipping labels are reported within Share A Refund. Dashboard views showcase the number of unused shipping labels tracked and voided. Consolidated reports are available for all UPS accounts. Account specific reports are available within each UPS account managed within Share A Refund for a customer’s account.
Refund credits related to unused shipping labels are detailed in the email digest that is sent to customers each week.
Detailed information related to specific shipments is available within Share A Refund, including a timeline of auditing activities and the real-time status of a shipment, as well as any refund credits related to a given shipment.
Overall, Share A Refund makes it easy to see the refund credits delivered on unused shipping labels that were created on your UPS account.

New shipping accounts

Accounts that are newly registered with Share A Refund are processed according to the cut-off dates for unused shipping labels provided by UPS. This period of time is 180 days. Share A Refund voids all unused shipments that available within an account within the first week of an account being added to Share A Refund. Auditing for unused, unvoided shipments beyond this period is available upon request.

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pay as you go

Pay as you go

$ 0.0049 per cost component
gainshare pricing

Split of savings

50% of savings
pay as you go

Pay as you go

$ 0.02 per shipment

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